Hi! I am Tiffany - the face and the person behind The Daisy Butterfly. 

A few things to know about me…

When I was little I dreamed of growing up to be a lot of things - a vet, a mom, a lawyer, and an artist to name a few. Well, here I am and at least two of those dreams have come to fruition. 😃

I am married to Ed who you have most likely seen if you have ever stopped by my booth at any events. He helps me with all the heavy lifting, is my food runner, and my biggest supporter. You have also likely seen our two daughters at various events. They help me with set up and are the first ones to see my new designs, offering their opinions and encouragement along the way. They love attending events with me although I think mostly because they love shopping all the other vendors! They are teenagers after all. 

While I am the artist, admin, order fulfillment, accountant, salesperson, web designer, social media and marketing manager - and more - behind The Daisy Butterfly, I consider this business a family business and without their help and support, I would not be able to do what I do!

Photo of the artist and owner of The Daisy Butterfly, Tiffany.

Now, a little about my artistic point of view…

I am a polymer clay artist and while I started this business making jewelry, earrings mostly, over time I have loved expanding my products and art to include bookmarks, decorative jars and containers, holiday ornaments and figures. 

My style is mostly whimsical and fun. I LOVE creating cute things! Hearing people ooh and ah and my favorite response - Awww! - is always my end goal as I’m sculpting and designing.

I also love flowers (daisies are my favorite) and butterflies - probably could have guessed those two facts from my chosen business name - and nature in general. So while I tend to lean towards the cute and fun designs, you will also find plenty of florals and nature inspired pretty things in my shop and at my booths.

A few more little facts about me, I am an introvert and being the center of attention or talking about myself is not my cup of tea. I avoid it as much as I can. I would much rather put my art out there and let it speak for itself. At the same time, I love meeting my customers and I love helping them find just the right item for themselves or to give as a gift. So when you stop by at an event, forgive my awkwardness and feel free to start chatting. Once I get going in conversation I relax a little and really enjoy each and every conversation and meeting you all!

A few things to know about my business and website specifically…

I have a handful of products and styles that I keep available all the time - my signature collection if you will. A lot of my work is very seasonal based however so depending on when you are shopping you will find new products not necessarily available year round. However - if you’ve seen something in the past but can’t find it currently in my shop, please reach out. I will do my absolute best to recreate something for you if I am able. And I love custom orders! Whether you want a design tweaked and altered a little here and there or you have an idea for something completely different, I would love to work with you to bring your idea to life!

The best way to stay updated on my product offerings as well as where to find me in person is to sign up for my email newsletter. I will send occasional updates on new product launches and upcoming events and news. And for a true behind the scenes look follow me online!

Thank you so much for being here!! 💜